Board of Commissioners
Adrian Suherman
President Commissioner
Profil Adrian Suherman
President Commissioner
Adrian Suherman, a 51-year-old Indonesian citizen, has served as President Commissioner since 2019 and was re-appointed based on the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders’ Deed of Resolution No. 14, dated 30 April 2024, notarized by Tangerang-based notary Syarifudin S.H.
He earned an MBA in Corporate Strategy and Operations from the European Institute for Business Administration (INSEAD) in 2006. He also holds a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, USA (1997), and a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Arizona, USA (1995).
His professional journey commenced as a product development, strategy, and operations leader for global software companies, such as Oracle and Sun Microsystems in Silicon Valley, United States. Upon returning to Indonesia, he joined the esteemed management consulting firm A.T. Kearney (2007-2010) and served as Manager. Mr. Adrian Suherman is the founder of the startup companies DealKeren (Living Social) (2010-2012) and aCommerce (2014-2015), both of which are recognized as the fastest-growing and most significant e-commerce companies in Indonesia. Subsequently, he served as Vice President of PT Telkomsel (2012-2014), playing a pivotal role in positioning Telkomsel as a key player in Indonesian mobile advertising. His other notable positions include CEO of PT Visionet Internasional (OVO) (2016-2019).
He concurrently serves as President Director of PT Matahari Putra Prima Tbk (since 2019) and CEO (since August 2023), President Director of PT Multipolar Tbk (since 2020), Commissioner of PT Matahari Department Store (since 2020), President Commissioner of PT Digital Data Venture (since March 2019), PT Teknologi Pamadya Analitika (since August 2021) and PT Digital Daya Teknologi (since February 2022).

Jeffrey Koes Wonsono
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Jeffrey Koes Wonsono‘s ‘s Profile
The Annual General Shareholders Meeting appointed Jeffrey Koes Wonsono, a 64-year-old Indonesian citizen who has been Commissioner since 2013. THe re-appointment was based on Deed of Resolution No. 14, dated 30 April 2024, notarized by Tangerang-based notary Syarifudin, S.H.
In 1979, he acquired his Bachelor’s degree in Marketing from Center for Business England, and obtained a Master’s degree in Business Administration major in banking from San Francisco’s Golden Gate University in 1986.
Prior to joining Lippo Group, he honed his career in various multinational banks among which were PT Bank Multicor, LTBC Central Asia and Bank Mayapada. At PT Multipolar Tbk, he held several positions, Director (1994-1998), President Director (1998-2000 and 2002-2011), President Commissioner (2000-2002). He was President Commissioner of PT Sona Topas Tbk (1991-2001) and PT Inti Dutifee Promosindo (1991-2001), Executive Director of PT Lippo Investments (1992-1999) and PT Lippo Securities Tbk (1993-1995), Commissioner of PT Lippo Karawaci Tbk (1993-1996), PT Matahari Putra Prima Tbk (1997-2013), PT First Media Tbk (2000-2007), PT Inti Anugerah Pratama (2015-2018), PT Link Net Tbk (2000-2012), and PT Multifiling Mitra Indonesia Tbk (2017-May 2021). Concurrently, he serves as President Commissioner PT Visionet Data Internasional (since 2016), Commissioner PT Multipolar Tbk (since 2011), and President Commissioner of PT Pacific Eastern Coconut Utama (since 2019).

Dicky Setiadi Moechtar
Independent Commissioner
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Dicky Setiadi Moechtar‘s ‘s Profile
Independent Commissioner
The Annual General Shareholders Meeting re-appointed 65-year old Indonesian citizen Dicky Setiadi Moechtar Independent Commissioner according to Deed of Resolution No. 14, dated 30 April 2024, notarized by Tangerang-based notary Syarifudin, S.H.
In 1984, he worked at PT Bank Perniagaan Indonesia wherein he was Assistant Manager and System Analyst. In 1993, he joined PT Bank Lippo Tbk and six years later, became Managing Director of IT, Operations, General Affairs, Asset Administration and Financial Services Distribution. He served as Director of PT Multipolar Corporation Tbk (2002-2008), PT Link Net Tbk as Commissioner (2009 -2011) and Director (2014-2017). He was also designated as Director of PT First Media Tbk (2006-2017), President Director of PT First Media Television (2012-2017), Commissioner of PT Delta Nusantara Networks (2012-2017), Director of PT Bintang Merah Perkasa Abadi (2013-2017), Commissioner of PT First Media News (2008-2017), Commissioner of PT Margayu Vatri Chantiqa (2008 – 2017), and President Director of PT Internux (2015-2018). He also held the post of Commissioner of PT Visionet Internasional (OVO) (2017-March 2020) and President Director of PT Visionet Data Internasional (2019 -2020).
Dicky completed his education at the Universitaet des Saarlandes in Germany in 1984.
Concurrently, he is Commissioner of PT Visionet Data Internasional (since 2020), President Commissioner of PT Medika Ekosis Digital (since 2021), Independent Commissioner of PT Multi Prima Sejahtera Tbk and PT Star Pacific Tbk (both since 2023), and Deputy President Director of PT Lippo Karawaci Tbk (since 2023).

Marlo Budiman
Independent Commissioner
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Marlo Budiman‘s ‘s Profile
Independent Commissioner
Marlo Budiman, a 50-year-old Indonesian citizen, was appointed as Independent Commissioner based on the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders’ Deed of Resolution No. 14, dated 30 April 2024, notarized by Tangerang-based notary Syarifudin S.H.
With a career spanning more than 25 years, he is a professional who has extensive experience and has served in various senior management positions. At the beginning of his career, he served as Manager at Kenlin Inc, New York. He continued his professional path, assuming roles as CFO and other executive positions of PT Pindo Deli Pulp & Paper Mills and PT Lontar Papyrus Pulp & Paper Industry (Asia Pulp & Paper/Sinarmas Group) from 1997 until 2006, Commercial Director of PT Argo Pantes Tbk in 2006, CFO & Corporate Resources Officer of PT Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia in 2008, Managing Partner of PT Y&K Capital in 2016, and Director & Deputy CEO of PT Bumiputera Investasi Indonesia Tbk in 2016. In 2018, he joined PT Link Net Tbk with his last position as President Director and Chief Executive Officer. Since December 2023, he serves as Group Deputy CEO of PT Lippo Karawaci Tbk and President Director of PT Lippo Malls Indonesia.
Mr. Marlo obtained Bachelor of Science (Magna Cumlaude) degree in Business Administration (with a focus on Finance and Real Estate & Urban Analysis) from The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA in 1995.

Harijono Suwarno
Independent Commissioner
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Harijono Suwarno‘s ‘s Profile
Independent Commissioner
72 years old, Indonesian citizen. Re-appointed as Independent Commissioner of the Company’s based on The Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting Deed of Resolution No. 14, dated 30 April 2024.
He earned a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering from Trisakti University Jakarta, 1977.
He built his professional career as a Representative at CV Chandra Bhakti Jakarta (1973-1976), Engineer at PT Guna Elektro (1976-1977), PT Centronix with his last position as Project Manager (1978-1980), PT Panorama Graha Teknologi (prev. PT Panorama Timur Jaya) since 1980 until 2014 with the last position was Director, President Director of PT TeleNet (2001-2004), Director of PT Multipolar Tbk (2004-2011) and PT Multipolar Technology (2011-2014), President Commissioner of PT Multifiling Mitra Indonesia Tbk (2010-2016), Commissioner of PT Multipolar Technology Tbk (2014-2016), President Commissioner of PT Multifiling Mitra Indonesia Tbk (2010-2016), President Director of PT MultiIntegra Digital (2016-2023).
Concurrently, he is President Commissioner of PT MultiIntegra (since 2004), Director of PT Kreatif Dinamika Integrasi (since 2019), Director of PT Aplikasi TaxPedia Indonesia (since 2019), and Director of PT MultiIntegra Digital (since 2023).