Our Values

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Our Vision

To be an admired technology services company, delivering sustainable value to its stakeholders, and positively impacting lives

Our Mission

  • Embracing trusted partner relationships through the provision of excellent solutions
  • Adhering to our corporate philosophy for the highest quality standards of our Human Capital, so as to ensure the sustainable growth of our enterprise

Our Philosophy

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We believe in three factors that uniquely shape our identity in relationships with our customers, our personnel, and the society. Those factors are:

    Inspire our people to apply ethical business practices with pride
    Meet or even exceed customer’s expectations
    Encourage individual dignity and growth

Our Work Ethic

Work Ethic CARE is the spirit at work and characteristic of Multipolarians which must be internalized wholeheartedly and become the base of behavior in performing their roles optimally, better and with utmost quality. Therefore, Multipolarians can be a professional of character, high integrity, continuous development, and competitiveness.

    We pledge to be competent in our expertise to deliver the highest service quality to our customers
    We take an active and proactive role in creating appropriate solutions for our customers
    We are a reliable business partner who delivers what we have committed
    We are empathetic towards our customers needs, therefore we align our solutions to meet their requirements

Corporate Quality & Information Security Policy

“PRIDE for Customers”
(Values that company must create for its customers)

Products & Services meet or exceed customer’s expectations
Relationship through partnership with other companies to fulfill customer requirements
Integrity in all business activities, including the commitment towards customers’ information security and local regulations
Delivery on time every time
Expenses / Price on customer’s savings

“PRIDE of Members”
(The ways the company will create the above values)

Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) in every activity
Right from the beginning
Involvement & commitment of all management & members in quality & information security management effectiveness through continual improvement
Develop competencies in accordance to the business
Efficient yet effective in managing the business operations

Occupational Health & Safety (OHS)

PT Multipolar Technology Tbk is committed to achieving excellence in Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) protection. It is the responsibility of both management and employees to operate safe, clean, and efficient facilities in an environmentally and socially responsible manner.

OHS Policy Objectives

  • To provide all employees with a safe and healthful workplace.
  • To comply with applicable OHS & environmental laws and regulations.
  • To ensure the efficient usage of raw materials, energy, and water; and preventing the environmental pollution by controlling the company’s emission sources and waste management from company activities.
  • To strive for continuous improvement through the implementation of the company OHS Procedures.
  • To ensure that all employees and contractors are aware of this OHS policy and have the capabilities to fulfill their specific responsibilities in OHS management system.
  • To communicate OHS management systems implemented in the company to the Customer and public.