Webinar IBM PowerAI: Elevate Your Service Level Agreements with Artificial Intelligence

Multipolar Technology with IBM & Tech Data held Elevate Your Service Level Agreements with Artificial Intelligence webinar on July 7.

IBM PowerAI is a server designed to provide an end-to-end deep learning platform matter experts (non-data scientists), application developers, and data scientists. IBM PowerAI also provide solutions for various human activities such as presenting recommendations, ease of interacting with customers and providing business model analysis to develop better and more effectively.

Webinar HPE Primera: Innovate without Compromise: Redifining Mission-Critical Application

Today’s businesses are constantly working to bring new mission critical applications to the market and ensure that existing applications can run more agile, faster, and innovative.  However, this is often constrained by the infrastructure used. When there is a problem in storage, it takes long time to detect and find the source of the problem.  If not addressed, it will result in lost business opportunities and financial losses.

Multipolar Technology and HPE asnwered these challenges through a webinar held on July 2 entitled, “Innovate without Compromise: Redifining Mission-Critical Application,” which raised the advantages of HPE Primera mission-critical storage, namely simplicity, availability, and performance.

HPE Primera is a combination of technologies from HPE Nimble Storage and HPE 3PAR with significant innovations such as accelerating application performance, minimizing storage management time by up to 93%, predicting and preventing  operation failures through the HPE Infosight feature.

Webinar F5 Advance WAF: Security Inside Out

Web-based and mobile applications and the use of APIs on one hand can make it easier for us to be active and stay productive anytime, anywhere. However, we need to be aware of cyber security threats using the right security tools.

Multipolar Technology held a Security Inside Out webinar on June 23 which explores how F5 Advanced Web Applicaton Firewall is  able to identify and counteract attacks that other defenders miss, providing comprehensive protection for application security through:

  • Comprehensive mitigation of bot threats on web and mobile
  • Detection at Layer 7 DDoS using machine learning
  • Behavioral analytics with a high degree of accuracy

Webinar Aim to Advance with IBM Cloud Pak for Data

Webinar Aim to Advance with IBM Cloud Pak for Data

Umumnya perusahaan memiliki data yang silo, yang tidak tersentralisasi/tersebar di tiap departemen. Hal ini tentunya menyulitkan saat data dibutuhkan untuk proses analisa lebih lanjut dalam waktu cepat dan real time. Selain itu, seringkali data-data ini merupakan data sensitif dan rahasia, sehingga butuh sumber daya khusus untuk mengelolanya agar bisa mempertahankan keakurasian data dan tidak disalahgunakan pihak yang tidak berwenang, serta biaya pengolahan yang cukup besar.

Menjawab tantangan tersebut, 5 May 2020 yang lalu Multipolar Technology bersama IBM menyelenggarakan seminar bertajuk Aim to Advance with IBM Cloud Pak for Data yang mengupas tentang bagaimana IBM Cloud Pak for Data hadir sebagai platform data yang memodernisasi cara pengumpulan, pengorganisasian, analisa keseluruhan data perusahaan dan pengaplikasian Artificial Intelligence (AI). ICPD memudahkan untuk menemukan dan mengakses data sehingga mampu meningkatkan produktivitas dan lebih efektif.

Info :
Sopo Del Office Towers & Lifestyle
Tower B, Lantai 18
Jl. Mega Kuningan Barat III, Lot 10. 1-6
Kawasan Mega Kuningan
Jakarta 12950

E center@multipolar.com
WhatsApp 081 1186 8383

Seminar Modernize Your Data Center

Multipolar Technology bersama Nutanix dan Tech Data berkolaborasi dalam seminar bertajuk “Modernize Your Data Center” pada tanggal 20 Februari lalu.

Nutanix hyperconverged (HCI) merupakan solusi yang mampu mengintegrasikan teknologi komputasi, storage, virtualisasi dan networking dalam sebuah perangkat siap pakai sehingga meniadakan kompleksitas dalam pengelolaannya, dengan biaya yang ekonomis.

Keuntungan yang dapat dirasakan dengan menggunakan solusi HCI Nutanix adalah semua sumber daya yang ada bisa diatur secara otomatis oleh software, sehingga mengurangi kompleksitas dan meningkatkan efisiensi.

Dalam seminar kali ini juga menampilkan solusi Veeam, yang memiliki keunggulan dalam melakukan disaster recovery cukup dengan hitungan menit. Veeam juga dilengkapi dengan intelligent data management untuk memastikan ketersediaan aplikasi dan data perusahaan kapanpun, bahkan saat terjadi gangguan atau downtime, melalui backup dan replikasi.

Info :
Sopo Del Office Towers & Lifestyle
Tower B, Lantai 18
Jl. Mega Kuningan Barat III, Lot 10. 1-6
Kawasan Mega Kuningan
Jakarta 12950

E center@multipolar.com
WhatsApp 081 1186 8383

Modernize Your Data Center Seminar

Multipolar Technology with Nutanix and Tech Data collaborated in a seminar titled “Modernize Your Data Center” on February 20th.

Nutanix hyperconverged (HCI) is a solution that is able to integrate computing, storage, virtualization and networking technologies in a ready-made device that eliminates complexity in its management, at an economical cost.

The advantage that can be felt by using the Nutanix HCI solution is that all available resources can be managed automatically by the software thereby reducing complexity and increasing efficiency.

This seminar also featured Veeam’s solution, which has the advantage of doing disaster recovery in a matter of minutes. Veeam is also equipped with intelligent data management to ensure the availability of applications and company data at any time, even during interruptions or downtime, through backup and replication.

Exhibition IBM Digital Transformation Summit, 18 Feb

Teknologi Cloud Computing dipercaya dapat menjadi faktor penting dalam mempercepat transformasi digital menuju revolusi industri 4.0. Data menjadi aset terbesar bagi perusahaan dan perannya akan sangatlah penting di masa mendatang. Di luar teknologi kontainer dan Kubernetes, untuk infrastrukturnya, perusahaan juga perlu mengatur topologi produksi dan menyediakan manejemen, keamanan, dan tata kelola untuk aplikasi yang disimpan di dalam cloud.

Multipolar Technology berpartisipasi dalam acara IBM Digital Transformation Summit di Jakarta, pada tanggal 18 Februari 2020, dengan membawakan solusi IBM Cloud Paks. IBM Cloud Paks adalah solusi perangkat lunak yang tepat bagi perusahaan untuk memindahkan aplikasi bisnis penting secara lebih cepat dan aman ke dalam platform cloud apapun. IBM Cloud Paks dirancang untuk mengurangi waktu pengembangan hingga 84% dan biaya operasional hingga 75%.

Info :
Sopo Del Office Towers & Lifestyle
Tower B, Lantai 18
Jl. Mega Kuningan Barat III, Lot 10. 1-6
Kawasan Mega Kuningan
Jakarta 12950

E center@multipolar.com
WhatsApp 081 1186 8383

IBM Digital Transformation Summit Exhibition

Cloud Computing technology is believed to be an important factor in accelerating digital transformation towards the industrial revolution 4.0. Data is the biggest asset for the company and its role will be very important in the future. Besides container technology and Kubernetes, for its infrastructure, companies also need to set production topologies and provide management, security and governance for applications stored in the cloud.

Multipolar Technology participated in the IBM Digital Transformation Summit event in Jakarta, on February 18, 2020, by bringing IBM Cloud Paks solutions. IBM Cloud Paks is the right software solution for companies to move critical business applications more quickly and safely to any cloud platform. IBM Cloud Paks is designed to reduce development time by 84% and operating costs by 75%.

Seminar Embracing the Intelligence Era 29 Jan

Era intelligence saat ini, mengubah cara bisnis, dengan hadirnya berbagai missioncritical application. Perlu dukungan infrastruktur cerdas agar aplikasi kritikal yang ada mudah dikelola serta terjamin ketersediaan dan keamanannya.

Menjawab permasalahan tersebut, Multipolar Technology bersama Tech Data berkolaborasi dalam seminar yang bertajuk “Embracing The Intelligence Era – Always On, Always Fast, Automated & On Demand”, yang berlangsung pada 29 Januari 2020 lalu di Jakarta.

Adapun solusi yang dibawakan sebagai berikut:

  • HPE Primera Merupakan gabungan teknologi dari HPE Nimble Storage dan HPE 3PAR dengan inovasi signifikan seperti mempercepat kinerja aplikasi, menghemat waktu pengelolaan storage hingga 93%, mampu memprediksi dan mencegah kegagalan operasional.
  • Fortinet FortiGate merupakan salah satu komponen Fortinet Security Fabric untuk perlindungan menyeluruh bagi semua perangkat dan sistem mulai dari IoT, perangkat mobile, hingga cloud.
  • VMware vRealize Operations Manager merupakan solusi pengelolaan virtualisasi yang optimal dan ekonomis untuk menganalisa jutaan titik data yang diproduksi sistem secara real-time dengan menyaring informasi penting dan menampilkan visualisasinya melalui dashboard.

Info :
Sopo Del Office Towers & Lifestyle
Tower B, Lantai 18
Jl. Mega Kuningan Barat III, Lot 10. 1-6
Kawasan Mega Kuningan
Jakarta 12950

E center@multipolar.com
WhatsApp 081 1186 8383

Embracing the Intelligent Era Seminar

In this era of intelligence, businesses change with the presence of various critical applications. It needs a smart infrastructure support so that existing critical applications are easily managed and their availability and security are guaranteed.

Answering these problems, Multipolar Technology and Tech Data collaborated in a seminar titled “Embracing The Intelligence Era – Always On, Always Fast, Automated & On Demand” on Jan 29th 2020 in Jakarta.

The solutions presented are as follows:

  • Primera HPE Is a combination of technology from HPE Nimble Storage and HPE 3PAR with significant innovations such as accelerating application performance, saving storage management time by up to 93%, and is able to predict and prevent operational failures.
  • Fortinet FortiGate is a component of Fortinet Security Fabric for overall protection for all devices and systems ranging from IoT, mobile devices, to the cloud.
  • VMware vRealize Operations Manager is an optimal and economical virtualization management solution for analyzing millions of data points produced by the system in real-time by filtering important information and displaying its visualization through the dashboard.