Software-Defined Storage Seminar

Multipolar Technology in collaboration with Tech Data Indonesia held a seminar entitled, “Software Defined Storage: Enables the Next Generation of IT Infrastructure,” held at Fairmont Hotel Jakarta, 27 June 2019.

The current era of digital transformation is undeniably a driver of rapid data growth. No less important is the availability, accuracy, guaranteed security, and reusability of the data to support the operational needs of the company. IBM Software-Defined Storage (SDS) with IBM Storwize and IBM Spectrum components make it easy for companies to accomplish the following:

  • Work smarter: enable a more dynamic storage system, easily adapted to the workload needed
  • Achieve agile storage consumption: supports both modern and traditional IT environments, ensuring technical agility among cloud, mobile, as well as social and analytics infrastructure
  • Gain control and efficiency: ensuring the agility, control and efficiency needed to meet ever-changing business policies
  • Acquire real-time scalability: meet SLAs according to business needs, complete with storage utilization reports.

Info :
Sopo Del Office Towers & Lifestyle
Tower B, Lantai 18
Jl. Mega Kuningan Barat III, Lot 10. 1-6
Kawasan Mega Kuningan
Jakarta 12950

WhatsApp 081 1186 8383

Fintech & FSI Forum with Infobank

Multipolar Technology once again collaborated with Infobank Magazine in a seminar titled, “Fintech & FSI: Embracing the Era of Coopetition.” The participants of this event came from Banks of Book 1 & Book 2, insurance companies, and multi-finance companies.

The highlighted solutions were:

  1. IBM QRadar
    This solution is able to automatically identify and analyze potential threats in real-time, so we have enough time and data to respond to the threat activity.
  2. VisionDGVisionDG
    Mobile Digital Application that we developed ourselves to facilitate and accelerate businesses in innovating and collaborating with Digital Ecosystems / Fintech players. In VisionDG there is an API Management component which mainly targets the banking sector (but does not exclude insurance & finance sectors).API Management ensures that banks can provide up-to-date digital channel services to customers in an integrated and easy way. VisionDG features include mobile banking, server based e-money, payment services, QR Code Payment, and other digital services.
  3.  IBM Storwize & Spectrum ProtectIBM Storwize V5000
    storage with flexible scalability so that the company’s performance becomes better and more efficient. We offer an IBM Storwize bundling package with the IBM Spectrum Protect application which is able to simplify and speed up the process of data backup and recovery so that you don’t have to worry about losing data during the backup process.
  4. IT Service Management (ITSM)ITSM
    allows companies to provide support for IT services to be more adaptive, flexible, effective in financing, and oriented towards customer satisfaction both internal and external. MLPT Consulting Services have been certified by ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library), which can help assess ITSM capabilities in customers, including recommendations for improvement and implementation roadmaps; the formulation of principles, policies, standards and procedures for ITSM implementation; and the implementation of supporting tools.

Info :
Sopo Del Office Towers & Lifestyle
Tower B, Lantai 18
Jl. Mega Kuningan Barat III, Lot 10. 1-6
Kawasan Mega Kuningan
Jakarta 12950

WhatsApp 081 1186 8383 – Multipolar Technology Dorong Penerapan Software-Defined Storage, JAKARTA – Era transformasi digital saat ini membawa perubahan dan tantangan bisnis yang baru yang berdampak pada semua skala industri.

Hal ini tak disangkal menjadi pendorong pesatnya pertumbuhan data, sehingga pengelolaan data menjadi tantangan yang serius bagi para pelaku bisnis.

Tentunya data sebagai salah satu komponen penting keberlangsungan bisnis haruslah terus tersedia, akurat, terjamin keamanannya, dan dapat digunakan kembali untuk mendukung kebutuhan operasional perusahaan dengan tetap menjaga efisiensi biaya.

Guna menjawab kebutuhan tersebut, Multipolar Technology mendorong penerapan Software-Defined Storage (SDS) dari IBM yang dipaparkan dalam seminar bertajuk Enable the Next Generation of IT Infrastructure, pada 27 Juni 2019 di Jakarta.

“Software-Defined Storage adalah kunci bagi perusahaan untuk memudahkan pengelolaan data dan storage, dan bertransformasi dalam mengadopsi multi-cloud,” ujar Yohan Gunawan, Group Head Infrastructure Hardware, Multipolar Technology dalam keterangan persnya.

“Software-Defined Storage memungkinkan perusahaan mewujudkan sistem penyimpanan dan pengelolaan data yang lebih dinamis dan efisien. Kombinasi aplikasi IBM Spectrum Storage di dalam perangkat storage IBM Storwize V5000 generasi terbaru akan semakin mudah dimonitor hanya dalam satu konsol dashboard yang tersentralisasi,” katanya lagi.

Seminar ini pun membahas berbagai kelebihan IBM Storwize V5000 yang di antaranya memberikan jaminan six 9s (99,9999%) data availability dan IBM Spectrum Protect yang diklaim mampu menyederhanakan dan mempercepat proses backup data dan recovery guna memenuhi SLA sesuai dengan kebutuhan bisnis.

Dengan pemanfaatan solusi ini, para pelaku bisnis dapat lebih siap bersaing di era transformasi digital dan big data saat ini. Multipolar Technology juga menawarkan paket khusus bundling IBM Storwize dan IBM Spectrum Protect dengan harga khusus. - Multipolar Technology Dorong Penerapan Software-Defined Storage

Succeeding in the Multi-Cloud World Seminar

On April 30, at Ayana Hotel Jakarta, MLPT together with F5 and Exclusive Network held a seminar which raised the theme Succeeding in Multi Cloud World. Participants who attended the session came from the FSI and Commercial industries.

As we know, cloud services are now starting to be glimpsed by companies in Indonesia for their business needs. The cloud computing business or commonly called the cloud is one of the most needed digital services now and in the future. But the technical constraints and understanding of the cloud are minimal in the community, making the development of the cloud quite challenging. In today’s digital era, more and more companies are choosing to deploy applications in multiple clouds, both public and private, data center facilities (colocation), also in their own data center. But the application of applications on multi-cloud platforms has its own challenges in terms of managing application services and security, thereby reducing the benefits of the cloud itself.

The Multi-Cloud F5 provides freedom in the deployment of any application, anywhere, with consistent application services and proven security. In addition to the Multi-Cloud solution, this event also presented a security solution from F5.

Info :
Sopo Del Office Towers & Lifestyle
Tower B, Lantai 18
Jl. Mega Kuningan Barat III, Lot 10. 1-6
Kawasan Mega Kuningan
Jakarta 12950

WhatsApp 081 1186 8383

Produsen Roti Pilih Hyperconverged Untuk Tingkatkan Efisiensi

DI TENGAH krisis pangan berkepanjangan yang melanda Jepang pasca Perang Dunia II, Tojuro Iijima memulai usahanya sebagai penyedia roti berkualitas tinggi di bawah bendera Yamazaki Baking. Dalam kurun waktu lebih dari enam puluh tahun, Yamazaki Baking berkembang menjadi perusahaan modern yang didukung teknologi tinggi, 18.000 karyawan, dan 27 pabrik di Jepang. Skala bisnis yang relatif besar dikarenakan produsen roti nomor satu di Jepang itu telah melebarkan sayap bisnisnya ke sembilan negara, di antaranya Hong Kong, Thailand, Taiwan, Amerika Serikat, dan Indonesia. Beroperasi penuh di Indonesia sejak November 2o1.4, Yamazaki Indonesia memproduksi aneka jenis roti bertekstur sangat lembut di pabriknya yang berlokasi di Delta Mas, Cikarang, Bekasi. Produsen roti bemerek Myroti itu mendistribusikan produknya yang mengusung kualitas Jepang dan kelezatan ke lima ribu toko di area Jabodetabek, Sukabumi, dan Bandung. Kehabisan Kapasitas Simpan Kelembutan yang khas, pilihan aneka jenis, dan rasa roti yang cocok di lidah konsumen lokal membuat MyRoti diterima hangat di pasar Indonesia. Hal itu terlihat dari transaksi yang meningkat dari hari ke hari. Sementara itu, perluasan area distribusi juga dilakukan. Semula hanya di kawasan Jabodetabek, kini produk Myroti sudah menjangkau Bandung dan Sukabumi. “Dan tahun ini kami akan hadir di Cirebon,” ujar Untung Rohwadi, IT Head, Yamazaki Indonesia. Hal ini tentu berdampak pada penambahan jumlah distributor. Pertumbuhan bisnis yang positif tersebut ternyata berdampak pada infrastruktur teknologi Yamazaki Indonesia, terutama di sisi kapasitas penyimpanan data dan kecepatan pemrosesan. Untung Rohwadi mengisahkan, pada tahun 2o17 perusahaan mulai kehabisan kapasitas di storage untuk menyimpan data-data transaksi selama empat tahun yang sudah menyentuh angka 6,5 TB atau 7o% dari kapasitas total. Volume data meningkat cepat, padahal sistem penyimpanan yang sudah digunakan sejak tahun 201.4 itu belum memiliki kemampuan deduplikasi dan kompresi yang baik.

Walhasil, perusahaan mulai menemui berbagai kendala. Misalnya, sinkronisasi data penjualan dari lima ribu gerai memakan waktu berjam-jam, padahal kecepatan pemrosesan data dibutuhkan untuk mendukung proses produksi yang juga dituntut berjalan cepat mengingat produk Yamazaki Indonesia memiliki batas masa kedaluwarsa. Ketika Yamazaki berniat memperbarui sistemnya, lagi-lagi menemui hambatan. “Kami pakai perangkat yang mereknya sudah tidak ada lagi di Indonesia,” cerita Untung Rohwadi. Akibatnya, perusahaan tidak mungkin mengandalkan vendor yang lama untuk memperbarui perangkat. Mau tak mau, perusahaan harus membeli perangkat baru untuk mengatasi berbagai isu tersebut. Jaminan Kelangsungan Produk “Sejak pertengahan tahun 2017 kami sudah berencana mengganti server karena kami sudah mulai kehabisan kapasitas storage, yang saat itu sudah mencapai tujuh puluh persen.” Untung mengisahkan. Setelah melalui proses investigasi yang melibatkan beberapa vendor, Yamazaki Indonesia memilih solusi hyperconverged HPE SimpliVity. “Kami memilih solusi dari HPE karena mengingat pengalaman kami dengan server sebelumnya, vendornya tutup sehingga kami bingung mau bagaimana,” ujar Untung. Nama HPE yang disebutnya masih established sampai sekarang dan tentu menjadi jaminan atas kelangsungan produk-produknya. Pemilihan Multipolar Technology sebagai implementor dalam proyek ini juga didasari alasan yang sama; karena jaminan nama yang sudah tepercaya. Dari sisi teknologi, kapabilitas, dan fitur, menurut Untung, SimpliVity dipandang dapat memberikan keuntungan yang lebih jika dibandingkan dengan solusi sejenis dari vendor lain dalam kisaran anggaran yang sama. Misalnya, storage yang sudah sepenuhnya menggunakan SSD akan berpengaruh signifikan pada kecepatan. “Dan yang jelas, solusi ini menggunakan VMware yang sudah kami gunakan juga, sehingga kami tidak perlu belajar lagi dari awal,” Untung menambahkan. Proses implementasi dilakukan bertahap dan berlangsung selama tiga hari pada Oktober 2018. Proses ini harus direncanakan secara matang mengingat kinerja sistem dapat berpengaruh terhadap kinerja produksi. Waktu migrasi dipilih saat proses akunting sudah selesai karena pada saat itu volume transaksi juga sudah berkurang. “Kami tentukan bahwa kami hanya bisa implementasi selama 2×24 jam sistem off. Malahan, dari manajemen sebenarnya minta hanya ix24 jam,” jelas pria yang hobi mendaki gunung itu. Proses implementasi berjalan cukup singkat. Hari pertama dan kedua digunakan untuk melakukan pengecekan dan pemasangan perangkat serta setup konfigurasi perangkat. Barulah pada hari ketiga, tim TI Yamazaki melakukan migrasi total sistem dan data. “Kami mulai migrasi jam 8 malam, jam 12 siang keesokan harinya sebagian besar sudah dimigrasikan,” ceritanya lagi. Pangkas Waktu Sinkronisasi Data Memanfaatkan kemampuan real-time deduplication, kompresi, dan optimalisasi, Yamazaki Indonesia dapat meningkatkan kecepatan pemrosesan dan efisiensi penyimpanan data. “Saat ini kami memiliki storage yang kapasitasnya bisa mengkover kebutuhan kami hingga lima tahun ke depan. Kami masih punya ruang simpan sekitar 80% dari kapasitas total, dengan volume data yang empat kali lipat dari data kami selama empat tahun,” papar Untung. Proses sinkronisasi data dapat berjalan lebih cepat. “Dulu, kami upload data (ke sistem ERP) butuh waktu tiga sampai empat jam. Sekarang, cukup satu jam,” jelas Untung. Proses ini dimulai dari mengunduh data penjualan dari ratusan ribu transaksi di toko pada jam tujuh pagi selama lima belas menit. Kemudian, data diunggah ke sistem ERP. “Sebelum jam delapan pagi sudah selesai, jadi jam delapan sudah bisa diolah,” ujarnya. Sementara untuk fasilitas backup, perusahaan juga menikmati kecepatan. Menurut Untung, proses backup dan restore data sebesar 50o GB dilakukan dalam waktu sekitar lima detik. “Dulu, kami bisa satu jam melakukan backup,” tuturnya.

Infokomputer - Produsen Roti Pilih Hyperconverged Untuk Tingkatkan Efisiensi

Smart Brunch with Multipolar Technology-HPE

The organization certainly needs a qualified infrastructure, which is not merely superior only in terms of engine specifications. IT infrastructure must now be able to support the latest technology that can accelerate companies to transform into the digital realm. That is, companies must be smart in choosing which infrastructure is capable of supporting business strategies to grow and increase profits.

This time MLPT collaborated with HPE by holding a Smart Brunch by inviting prospects from various industries. With the concept of small discussion, participants who attended became more relaxed following the event and did not hesitate to discuss the HPE solution that was delivered at that time.

The solutions presented include:
  • HPE Nimble is a storage that has Artificial Intelligence and is able to do various analyzes, with self-healing features. HPE Nimble Storage has the Infosight Predictive Analytics feature that functions as an Artificial Intelligence / artificial intelligence data center that can be accessed through the cloud, and is able to accurately predict and manage the growth of existing data.
  • HPE SimpliVity combines several data center services in the form of appliance that offer speed and agility in the application of virtualization, reduce complexity, increase efficiency, and reduce operating costs. HPE SimpliVity has the ability to integrate servers, storage, networks and virtualization solutions in a ready-to-use device, with an implementation process that can be done in just minutes.

Info :
Lippo Kuningan Building 17th Fl.
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kav B12
Jakarta 12940
P +6221 546 0011
F +6221 546 002

Bisnis Indonesia Digital Economic Forum

Multipolar Technology collaborates with Bisnis Indonesia in the Indonesia Digital Economic Forum Business event held on Tuesday, 11 December 2018. The digital age has caused a shift in business concepts in all industrial sectors, especially those that deal directly with consumers. Each sector seeks to increase their capacity, in an era of digital-based business where speed, efficiency, security, and most importantly, competition for innovation in developing products and services are needed to meet consumer needs.

The topic raised in the Digital Economic Forum Seminar was related to technological innovation and government blueprint, namely Making Indonesia 4.0. This forum discusses how strategic steps taken by stakeholders to build a digital economic ecosystem. The participants of this forum are Banking and Finance, Telecommunications, Logistics, Infrastructure, Fintech and Marketplace, and the government sector represented by Bekraf and digital and conventional Mikro Small Medium Enterprise (MSME) actors.

At this event, MLPT was represented by Mr. Halim Mangunjudo, Consulting & Enterprise Business Director Multipolar Technology raised the topic of Planning Considerations for Survival in the Digital Economy Era. In addition, MLPT also brings IBM Power Systems solutions, technology that enables the development of a business platform into the digital era with Big Data, Analytics and Cloud technologies with the best integration, best performance, and best virtualization. The IBM Power architecture can be optimized to provide a lower and more reliable Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), with better capabilities.

Info :

Lippo Kuningan Building 17th Fl.
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kav B12
Jakarta 12940
P +6221 546 0011
F +6221 546 002

MLPT Wah Wah Day

Through this Wah Wah Day event, Multipolarians are invited to set aside their work time to reorganize their work desks, sorting documents, and clean up their work areas, so that cleanliness of the work environment is maintained.

This annual event was also enlivened by the Tumpeng Decorate Competition, Dress Code Challenge and Boomerang Post Contest via Instagram.

Info :
Lippo Kuningan Building 17th Fl.
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kav B12
Jakarta 12940
P +6221 546 0011
F +6221 546 002

Roadmap to Accelerate Network Transformation Seminar

When your business experiences rapid changes, network management is also required to adjust the needs of the company – the demand for security for possible future threats, IoT development, cloud and mobility integration. In addition, rushing and unfavorable situations such as tight meeting schedules and traffic jams often prevent the smooth communication and productivity.

Answering this problem, Multipolar Technology collaborated with Cisco in a seminar entitled “Roadmap to Accelerate Network Transformation” which was held on 29 November at Ayana MidPlaza Hotel Jakarta, by carrying out the following solutions:

Cisco Meraki:

  • Manage Networks can be accessed anytime and anywhere – it doesn’t have to be in the office and the network can be accessed via the internet
  • Accepting advice and provide serious support, always keep the ‘speed of features’ at the forefront so there is no need to worry about being stuck with a system that needs to be improved
  • Offering a better security system
Cisco Webex :
Solutions that allow unlimited collaboration, including through face-to-face virtually. with the following advantages:
  • Architectural portfolio collaboration solution and a complete endpoint video and end-to-end, starting from gadgets to meeting rooms.
  • Video collaboration from any device, anytime, anywhere
  • Sharp video quality (support up to Full HD)
  • Easily integrated with other video endpoint solutions, including integration with Skype for Business
Info :
Lippo Kuningan Building 17th Fl.
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kav B12
Jakarta 12940
P +6221 546 0011
F +6221 546 002
WhatsApp 08111868383

IBM Technical University

MLPT participated in the IBM Systems Technical University (TechU) event held at Westin Resort Nusa Dua, Bali on November 8 and 9. In this event IBM also invited its customers from various industries in Indonesia. MLPT opened a booth in the event by putting forward several solutions namely VisionAnalytics solutions, IBM Cognos and IBM Power9.

Info :
Lippo Kuningan Building 17th Fl.
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kav B12
Jakarta 12940
P +6221 546 0011
F +6221 546 002