Blood Donation 21 July 2016, Lippo Kuningan

Kali kedua, setelah di bulan Februari lalu, MLPT bersama Lippo Kuningan selaku building management serta MatahariMall yang masih dalam naungan Group Lippo, kembali menyelenggarakan acara donor darah.

Animo warga sekitar Lippo Kuningan Building masih sangat luar biasa. Semoga kegiatan CSR MLPT dan rekan-rekan ini akan senantiasa berhasil mengumpulkan kantung-kantung darah yang sangat berharga bagi kemanusiaan yaaaa…

PT Multipolar Technology Tbk Wins 2016 IBM Choice Award for Top Strategic Business Partner 2016

CITY, ST/PROV/COUNTRY – February 17th, 2016 – PT Multipolar Technology Tbk today announced it was named winner of an IBM Choice Award for Top Strategic Business Partner 2016.

 Announced at the IBM PartnerWorld Leadership Conference in Orlando, Florida, United States, IBM’s Choice Awards recognize a select number of IBM Business Partners who have demonstrated business excellence in delivering IBM-based solutions that help bring clients into the cognitive era – resulting in exceptional client experience and business growth.

IBM Business Partners who win a Choice Award exhibit IBM values in all client interactions and achieve common business goals, resulting in superior customer satisfaction and mutually significant business impact. Choice Award winners are selected annually by IBM leadership in each geography and are given to Business Partners across a range of categories, recognizing their working relationships with clients and demonstrated skills in selling IBM solutions.

“The IBM Choice Awards recognize Business Partners around the world for their commitment to IBM values and client satisfaction, as we help clients navigate the new cognitive era,” said Marc Dupaquier, general manager, IBM Global Business Partners.” PT Multipolar Technology Tbk has consistently served as a trusted advisor in readying clients for the transformation that cognitive technologies will bring,” he added.

“Market needs of today’s enterprises have become more critical, selective, and demand the best solutions for business. As Multipolar Technology has grown as a reliable partner of IBM, we continually strive to deliver customer oriented solutions to help clients enjoy the highest value for their business so they can be more competitive. Integrated IBM solutions help us to achieve better collaboration, increase profitability, and higher customer satisfaction,” said Wellianto Halim, Commissioner, PT Multipolar Technology Tbk who received the award today.

 For more information about all of the 2016 IBM Choice Awards winners, please visit

To learn more about IBM PartnerWorld, a comprehensive program that offers marketing and sales resources, training, certifications, and technical support to help create new revenue and market opportunities for IBM Business Partners, visit

Street Store dengan Group Orang Hebat, Universitas Tujuhbelas Agustus

Acara CSR yang bekerja sama dengan Group Orang Hebat (GOH), yaitu Street Store telah sukses diadakan pada tanggal 5 Desember 2015, bertempat di Universitas Tujuhbelas Agustus, Sunter – Jakarta. Acara pembagian donasi pakaian, sepatu & selimut bekas layak pakai ini, diikuti oleh sekitar 1000 orang peserta yang merupakan warga yang tinggal di sekitar lokasi acara, dan didukung oleh sekitar 120 orang volunteer.

Semoga acara serupa dapat berlangsung secara berkesinambungan, dan menghadirkan senyum di wajah-wajah mereka yang saling berbagi Smile

MLPT visit to the SOS Children’s Village

Coincides with its 39th Anniversary, Multipolar Technology, on December 4  undertake CSR activities such as a visit to the SOS Children Village in Cibubur, and donating some education funding and gifts to children and occupants caregivers of SOS Children.


AKARTA, 13 November 2014 – The recently formed joint venture between PT Multipolar Technology Tbk (MLPT) and their partners, Mitsui & Co., Ltd. (Mitsui) and Mitsui Knowledge Industry Co., Ltd. (MKI) co-hosted a PRE-LAUNCH CEREMONY to introduce the joint venture project, Graha Teknologi Nusantara Data Center (GTN Data Center) to a select group of business executives at The Hermitage Hotel. This event highlighted the exciting collaboration between Lippo and Mitsui to build and operate a modern  Tier-4-ready Data Center that will provide quality, secure data center services to address the critical data center and management needs of world-class corporations, here in Indonesia. GTN is owned 65%, 25% and 10% by MLPT, MKI and Mitsui respectively.

‎The event was well attended by executives from local, international and Japanese companies with data critical operations in Indonesia. The event was co-hosted by DR. Mochtar Riady, Chairman of Lippo Group, Atsushi Kume, Executive Managing Officer & COO of Innovation & Corporate Development,  Executive Managing Officer, Mitsui & Co. Ltd., and Masaki Saito, President & CEO of MKI. One of the highlights of the event was the presence of the honorable Minister of Information and Telecommunications, Ir. Rudiantara MBA and the honorable Ambassador of Japan to Indonesia, Yasuaki Tanizaki, both delivering keynote remarks during during the event.

“We are very fortunate to be developing and operating this state of the art Data Center, together with our friends at Mitsui. Most important to me is that Lippo and Mitsui share the vision which is to support the velopment of the country’s important infrastructure needs so as to provide for the efficient distribution and delivery of products and services, people, and electronic data information across the country, which Indonesia desperately needs,” stated Dr. Mochtar Riady.

“With the recently issued government regulation in Indonesia requiring electronic data providers to store their data domestically onshore, the insatiable need for secure, high quality data center services, located strategically at close proximity to customers operations will be in great demand,” stated Harijono Suwarno, Commissioner, PT Multipolar Technology Tbk. “Furthermore, we have carefully mapped the market and the increasing demands of our enterprise client base and have designed a Data Center, capitalizing on Mitsui’s and MKI’s valuable international experience in data center design and operation and Lippo’s existing [12,000] km high speed broadband network covering Greater Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung and Bali,‎‎” he added.

Designed and jointly operated by Multipolar Technology and Mitsui, the GTN’s Data Center will be strategically located at Lippo Cikarang, approximately 35 km south east of Jakarta and 80 km from Bandung. The ground breaking is scheduled for the end of 2014, with Data Center operations to commence by the end of 2015.

The Data Center will have two independent power sources from multi-carriers providers to supply ample, sustainable, and redundant sources of power for GTN Data Center’s operations, allowing GTN to attain international and Japanese service levels.

‎The GTN Data Center will also apply a green data center concept that is environment-friendly and energy efficient. These green features will include: a cold-aisle containment approach to ensure the most efficient flow of cool air; chilled water-based air conditioners that conserve energy; and fire extinguishers that are free from hazardous gas. “To ensure the quality of the data center, we will engage an internationally accredited and recognized green data center consultant to ensure the GTN Data Center will be approved and certified by the Green Building Council,” said Wahyudi Chandra, President Director, PT Multipolar Technology Tbk.

”MKI will provide technological know-how, drawing on its extensive experience with high quality data center operation and cloud services, to make the GTN Data Center the most reliable data center provider with high speed data processing and cloud services in the country,”said Masaki Saito, President & CEO, Mitsui Knowledge Industry Co., Ltd.

Indonesia presents a large potential market for data center services business, especially with the upcoming implementation of Government Regulation No. 82 of 2012, which requires all electronic data providers in Indonesia to store their data in Indonesian-based data centers and DRCs. Taking early advantage of this opportunity, GTN Data Center will be the first Japanese-owned data center facility in Indonesia. “We also provide a ‘location’ for data center storage that enables local and multinational companies with operations in Indonesia to achieve full compliance with the new laws requiring all their data to be stored domestically. We are optimistic that this will open more foreign investment of ICT projects in the near future,” said Atsushi Kume, Executive Managing Officer & COO of Innovation & Corporate Development, Mitsui & Co., Ltd.

About PT Graha Teknologi Nusantara

PT Graha Teknologi Nusantara (GTN) is a company focused on data center services management and operations, and is also a subsidiary of PT Multipolar Technology Tbk (MLPT). GTN Data Center is a joint venture project between MLPT, Mitsui & Co., Ltd. (Mitsui) and Mitsui Knowledge Industry Co., Ltd. (MKI). GTN is positioned to be the leading data center services provider in Indonesia.

About Mitsui& Co., Ltd.

Mitsui & Co., Ltd. (Mitsui) is an investment and trading company in Japan established in 1947. Mitsui’s business activities include the sale, import, export, offshore trading, production and a wide variety of comprehensives services such as retail, information and telecommunication, technology, logistic and finance in the areas of iron and steel, mineral and metal resources, machinery and infrastructure, chemicals, energy, lifestyle, innovation & cross function. Mitsui also participate in the development of natural resources such as oil, gas, iron and steel raw materials. Mitsui have been proactively making strategic business investments in certain new industries such as IT, renewable energy and environmental solution businesses.

About Mitsui Knowledge Industry Co., Ltd.

Mitsui Knowledge Industry Co., Ltd.(MKI) is a subsidiary of Mitsui & Co., Ltd., specialized in providing services and products related to ICT (Information and Communication Technology). Partnering with various global ICT vendors and supporting more than 1,500 companies, MKI offers best-in-class solution to customers.

MKI focuses on 3 large business segments which are “system integration”, “platform integration” and “data center and cloud services”. MKI also provides energy management service, market forecast and genome analysis in combination with system integration and data center solution.

About PT Multipolar Technology Tbk

PT Multipolar Technology Tbk is a leading System Integrator in Indonesia with more than 39 years of experience in the sector of banking and financial, telecommunications, public and commercial. On July 8, 2013 the Company listed in the Indonesian Stock Exchange with ”MLPT” as the stock code.

MLPT is a subsidiary of PT Multipolar Tbk (MLPL), a prominent diversified holding company focused primarily in the retail business and TMT (Technology, Multimedia and Telecommunication) sectors. MLPL is part of the Lippo Group. For details please visit and follow @multipolartech.



For further information please contact:
PT Graha Teknologi Nusantara
CB.Budi Widjaja
Chief Operating Officer
Ph: 021 5579 332

Blood Donation Multipolar Technology and First Media Group

On October 15, 2014, Multipolar Technology and First Media Group held a blood donation activity in BeritaSatu Plaza, Jakarta. As many as 168 potential donors with 139 donors and 29 people who have not managed to donate blood in these social activities. Thank you to all the donors and keep the spirit fellow donors who do not succeed, try again in the next activity.

Multipolar Technology Luncurkan Solusi VisionCBR untuk Otomasi Pelaporan LSMK dengan Format XBRL

JAKARTA, 29 April 2014 – PT Multipolar Technology Tbk (MLPT), System Integrator terkemuka di Indonesia yang juga merupakan pionir solusi perbankan, meluncurkan solusi terbarunya untuk sektor perbankan, yaitu Vision Central Bank Report (VisionCBR). VisionCBR memudahkan bank dalam menyiapkan LSMK (Laporan Stabilitas Moneter dan Keuangan), yaitu sistem pelaporan baru di Bank Indonesia yang mengadopsi XBRL (eXtensible Business Report Languange) sebagai format standar dari pelaporan.

Sistem pelaporan LSMK ini dikembangkan oleh Bank Indonesia untuk mewujudkan sistem pelaporan yang terintegrasi, andal dan stabil dengan merujuk pada standar internasional yang utama untuk pelaporan bisnis. Untuk dapat memenuhi LSMK,  kesiapan bank dari sisi bisnis, informasi, sistem dan infrastruktur harus diperhitungkan dengan matang. Suyanto Halim, Direktur Account Management PT Multipolar Technology Tbk menjelaskan, “Pada pelaksanaannya, proses adopsi XBRL ini hanya salah satu bagian dari implementasi pelaporan LSMK, sehingga tidak cukup hanya diberikan tool saja, namun dibutuhkan solusi yang terintegrasi untuk membantu bank dalam penyiapan data, penyusunan laporan, verifikasi laporan, validasi laporan, juga operasional dan pengawasannya. Untuk itu kami hadirkan solusi VisionCBR yang dirancang khusus berdasarkan pengalaman dan konsep sistem regulatory reporting dari Multipolar Technology, yang telah sukses diterapkan oleh banyak bank di Indonesia.”

VisionCBR memiliki keunggulan pada pelaporan yang akurat dan sesuai dengan persyaratan Bank Indonesia, kemudahan operasional dalam penyiapan dan manajemen pelaporan, serta memenuhi standar keamanan perbankan. “Masukan yang kami terima dari pelanggan yang sudah memanfaatkan VisionCBR, solusi ini terbukti mempermudah proses penyusunan pelaporan. Dengan datamart yang terpusat dan built-in data model, pembuatan laporan dapat terotomasi, lebih akurat dan konsisten,” tambah Suyanto.

Beragam fitur unggulan dari VisionCBR sebagai berikut:

  • Otomasi pembuatan laporan dengan built-in data model dan integrasi data dari berbagai sumber data
  • Penyusunan dan koreksi laporan serta analisa data melalui mekanisme layar input atau ekspor ke excel untuk proses analisa lebih lanjut
  • Multiple taxonomy version, termasuk versi data pelaporan dalam bentuk database dan instance
  • Mode operasional sentralisasi, desentralisasi, maupun kombinasi keduanya
  • Otorisasi dan otensifikasi yang fleksibel, berdasarkan menu, laporan, dan cabang
  • Sistem audit trail komprehensif, meliputi aktivitas pengguna pada tahap penyiapan data, penyusunan laporan dan operasional
  • Fleksibel, dapat diintegrasikan dengan validator XBLR yang digunakan oleh bank

Pengembangan sistem LSMK dengan format XBRL ini dilakukan secara bertahap. Saat ini Laporan Bank Umum Syariah bagi perbankan syariah sudah siap digunakan, dan selanjutnya untuk perbankan konvensional akan mengikuti jadwal dari Bank Indonesia. Multipolar Technology terus meningkatkan komitmennya guna menjawab kebutuhan dan meningkatkan kepercayaan pelanggannya dengan menghadirkan layanan dan solusi TI yang selaras dengan tren bisnis dan teknologi terkini.

Tentang PT Multipolar Technology Tbk

PT Multipolar Technology Tbk adalah System Integrator terkemuka di Indonesia dengan pengalaman 39 tahun di sektor perbankan dan keuangan, telekomunikasi, pemerintahan dan komersial. Pada 8 Juli 2013 Perseroan tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia dengan kode saham MLPT, serta telah terdaftar sebagai efek syariah. Awal April 2014 Perseroan meraih penghargaan “Indonesia Best New Issuer 2014” dari majalah Warta Ekonomi, yang diberikan kepada emiten-emiten baru dengan tingkat pertumbuhan harga saham diatas rata-rata industrinya.

Kegiatan usaha MLPT di bidang System Integrator secara substansi telah ada di PT Multipolar Tbk (MLPL) sejak 4 Desember 1975. Berawal sebagai penyalur produk elektronik, di tahun 1982 MLPT memfokuskan bisnis TI nya sebagai penyedia dan penyalur PC yang menjadikannya pionir komputerisasi perbankan dan keuangan di Indonesia.

Kiprah bisnisnya semakin mantap dan terus mendominasi pasar dengan diperkenalkannya layanan IT Outsourcing/Managed Services berskala nasional di tahun 2006 melalui anak usahanya, PT Visionet Internasional (VSN). MLPT adalah mitra terpercaya dari penyedia solusi TI kelas dunia seperti IBM, Cisco, Oracle, Microsoft dan NCR, dan telah bersertifikasi ISO 9001:2008 untuk Quality Management System, Electronic Draft Capture (EDC), Dekstop Server Network (DSN), dan Information Technology (IT) Operation & Maintenance ServicesISO 27001:2005 yang mencakup pembangunan, implementasi, eksekusi, pengawasan, pengkajian, pengelolaan dan peningkatan Information Security Management System (ISMSfor Data Center; dan PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) untuk jaminan keamanan data pemegang kartu pembayaran yang mengacu pada standar internasional. Untuk lengkapnya kunjungi dan @multipolartech.


Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi:
Susi Marlon
Dept Head Public Relations & Marcom
Boulevard Gajah Mada No. 2025, Lippo Cyber Park, Lippo Village, Tangerang 15811
Telp: (021) 5460011, 55777000; Faks: (021) 5460020; Email:


First Media Group and Multipolar Technology Blood Donation

On September 11, 2014 First Media Group and Multipolar Technology conducted a blood donor activities in LinkNet Building, Karawaci. As many as 215 prospective donors who participate in this social activity, this number continues to increase every year. But the successful donors are 158 while 62 did not meet the requirement for donor. Thank you to all donors and keep the spirit to the fellow donors who have not succeed, try again on future blood donors.

Multipolar Technology & First Media Blood Donation, LinkNet Building, Karawaci

First Media collaborated again with  Multipolar Technology conducted Blood Donor Program which take place  in Passion Room, LinkNet Building, Karawaci. The event that should be started at 10:30AM, but by 10.00 AM donors already abuzz went to the location.

This program  managed to gather 131 donors, this proves there are still many people who are concerned with health and had great social awareness. For those of you who have never been a blood donor, ventured to donate because in addition to health can also help people who need blood.

Handover Donation Program Supports @ksi 10,000 YKAKI

Today, Tuesday, September 3, 2013, PT Multipolar Technology Tbk handed over a donation to the Lippo Insurance to Support Program @ksi for Rp 10,000 YKAKI (for children with cancer).

Total amount of donations is over Rp 13.57 million, – which is a combination of donations from employees Multipolar Technology, Visionet employees and employees of PT Multipolar Technology Tbk. Hopefully, with this donation, more and more children with cancer can be helped and smiling .. 🙂

“Every Indonesian children suffering from cancer have the right to get maximum treatment and care, including the right to learn and play during hospitalization.” Yayasan Kasih Anak Kanker Indonesia (YKAKI).