TANGERANG, 17 Oktober/October 2024 – Perseroan terus memperhatikan aktivitas perdagangan saham dan pergerakan harga saham MLPT di Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX) yang mengalami peningkatan harga kumulatif yang signifikan, maka Perseroan memandang perlu untuk menyampaikan dan menegaskan kembali bahwa Perseroan saat ini belum memiliki rencana tindakan aksi korporasi maupun rencana lain selain aksi korporasi, baik di akhir tahun 2024 maupun di awal tahun 2025, yang belum disampaikan kepada publik, yang dapat mempengaruhi harga saham MLPT di IDX dan/atau keputusan pemodal, calon pemodal atau pihak lainnya.


The Company continues to pay attention to the share trading activities and price movements of MLPT shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) which have experienced a significant cumulative price increase, the Company deems it is necessary to state and reiterate that the Company currently has no plans for corporate actions or other plans other than corporate actions, either at the end of 2024 or at the beginning of 2025, which have not been disclosed to the public, that may affect the price of MLPT’s shares on the IDX and/or the decisions of investors, potential investors or other parties.


Informasi lebih lanjut hubungi/Further information please contact:

Corporate Secretary

PT Multipolar Technology Tbk

Boulevard Gajah Mada No. 2025, Lippo Cyber Park, Lippo Village, Tangerang 15811

Telp/Phone: (021) 55777000; Email:




Tentang PT Multipolar Technology Tbk/ About PT Multipolar Technology Tbk

PT Multipolar Technology Tbk (MLPT)–salah satu anak usaha dari PT Multipolar Tbk (MLPL)–adalah IT System Integrator terkemuka sejak 1975 dan mitra tepercaya dalam perencanaan, perancangan dan pengembangan teknologi digital inovatif di sektor Perbankan dan Keuangan, Komersial, Telekomunikasi, Publik, Layanan Kesehatan dan Pendidikan. Multipolar Technology memiliki kompetensi dan pengalaman yang mumpuni di area Hybrid Integration Platforms & Services, Hybrid Infrastructure Platforms & Services, Application and Technology Platforms & Services, Business Solution Platforms & Services, Digital Insights, Customer Experience Platforms & Services, serta Security Platforms & Services, termasuk layanan dari anak usaha–Digital IT Managed Services melalui PT Visionet Data Internasional (VDI), platform analitik dan layanan analitik tingkat lanjut melalui PT Digital Daya Venture (DDV), ekosistem teknologi terintegrasi untuk pengalaman yang paling mulus dalam bidang kesehatan dan kebugaran melalui PT Teknologi Pamadya Analitika (TPA), dan solusi perbankan digital untuk memberdayakan bank konvensional bertransformasi menjadi bank digital melalui PT Digital Daya Teknologi (DDT). PT Multipolar Technology Tbk (MLPT) is a leading IT System Integrator since 1975 and a trusted partner in the planning, design, and development of innovative digital technology and business transformation. Multipolar Technology has strong competence and experience in the areas of Hybrid Infrastructure Platforms & Services, Hybrid Integration Platforms & Services, Business Solutions Platforms & Services, Digital Insights, Customer Experience Platforms & Services, Strategy & Planning, and Security Platforms & Services, including services from its subsidiary–Digital IT Managed Services through PT Visionet Data Internasional (VDI), analytics platforms and advanced analytics services through PT Digital Daya Venture (DDV), integrated technology ecosystem for most seamless experiences on health and wellness trough PT Teknologi Pamadya Analitika (TPA), and digital banking solution to empower conventional banks to transform into digital banks through PT Digital Daya Teknologi (DDT).

Sejak 8 Juli 2013, PT Multipolar Technology Tbk telah tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia (kode saham MLPT), dan merupakan mitra terpercaya dari perusahaan teknologi global seperti Cisco, Cloudera, Dell, F5, Google, HPE, Huawei, IBM, Lenovo, Microsoft, NCR, Nutanix, Oracle, Palo Alto, Red Hat, VMware, dan telah bersertifikasi ISO. Informasi lebih lanjut kunjungi dan ikuti media sosial kami: Twitter @MultipolarTech, Instagram @multipolartechnology, LinkedIn dan Facebook PT Multipolar Technology Tbk, YouTube Multipolar Technology, Spotify TechLign Podcast. Since July 8, 2013 PT Multipolar Technology Tbk has been listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange (stock code MLPT). It is a trusted partner of global technology companies such as Cisco, Cloudera, Dell, F5, Google, HPE, Huawei, IBM, Lenovo, Microsoft, NCR, Nutanix, Oracle, Palo Alto, Red Hat, VMware, and many more. MLPT is also an ISO certified company. For more information, visit and follow our social media on: Twitter @MultipolarTech, Instagram @multipolartechnology, LinkedIn and Facebook as PT Multipolar Technology Tbk, YouTube as Multipolar Technology, Spotify on the TechLign Podcast.